ALIGNED RITUALS — mental health RSS

Soulful Serenade: A Love Letter to Those in Need of Healing and Support

In this vast and ever-changing world, I send forth a love letter to all those in need of love, support, and healing energy. To those who feel the weight of loneliness, the ache of grief, and the sting of heartbreak, I want you to know that you are not alone.

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The Art of Transformational Alchemy: A Journey to Inner Peace

Join me, Julia Jovone, a Reiki Master and Holistic Healer, on an immersive journey of self-discovery and healing through the masterclass "The Art of Transformational Alchemy."

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The Beauty of Discipline: Creating Daily Practices for a Holistic Lifestyle

  It's Sunday, and as I sit down to reflect on the week that has passed, I am struck by the importance of discipline in my holistic lifestyle journey. For me, discipline means committing to a set of practices and habits that support my physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing - even when it's challenging or I don't feel like it.

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Empowering Yourself on the Path to Success: The Importance of Personal Growth and Letting Go of External Validation

Human beings have a natural desire for support and validation, especially when it comes to pursuing our dreams and passions. We often look to our friends and family for support, but sometimes find that the support we receive from strangers is greater than that of those closest to us. It's amazing how people can watch you from afar, but not offer support when you need it the most.

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When Your Past Hurts Haven't Really Healed You: Control as a Boundary

  Sometimes it's easy to convince ourselves that we've moved on from past traumas, pain, and heartbreak. However, what many of us fail to realize is that our past experiences can continue to control our present lives in ways we never imagined. It's common to use control as a boundary to cover our insecurities and close ourselves off from recovery and growth, but this is not living your best life.

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